Cheers to 2025
Every New Year holds promise, as though it is any different from the turn of
Theo-John Phillips bares his thoughts after joining Akin for his book reading event at the Rovingheights bookstore in Lekki Nigeria.
This post was first published on LinkedIn in May 2022, off the back of the first book reading session for my 2-in-1 thriller-novella, Waste of Sin & Blood in the Water.
You can find it here.
It has been 9 months since he first posted his thoughts before I took the decision to have it on the blog.
To be honest, I am not even sure why!
I believe the kind words came from a good and sincere place. And for this I am grateful. I count such kind words as small wins, in a world where they are hard to come by.
Thank you, Theo-John Phillips.
I met Akin at Oando Plc, now OVH Energy – Oando Licensee. A fantastic guy of sorts. if there is a better way to describe him, I would use it. By choice, I do not go close to those we solicit business from so that I can always be sure that I get proper feedbacks from the client and upbraiding if we drop the ball but Akin is different. He is a kind, gentle, soft spoken but firm person. He tells you as it is but not in a way to dampen your spirit or walk all over your ego.
He is my kind of guy. A real stand up Nigerian. When I found out that he loves to write during one of our conversations, that was it for me. Anyone who reads, writes and shares knowledge is my friend and I found a kindred spirit and friend in Akin Akingbogun.
He is a good person and a fresh mind in the clutter of characters we now have as professionals everywhere you go. I attended his book event hosted by Rovingheights Landmark and I felt very proud to see his very cerebral self signing books and smiling. Akin Akingbogun is your quitssential man. A good dresser and your perfect gentleman. I am hopeful that at some time, he will give thoughts to politics and give back to the nation.
We need people like Akin in government in Nigeria. Men who will place others above himself, give and sacrifice without expecting anything back in return.
For a man like Akin Akingbogun I will cheer and say Hurray to a leader that is yet to be revealed.
Congratulations and may your pen never run dry.
Every New Year holds promise, as though it is any different from the turn of
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6 thoughts on “When Akin Akingbogun showed us his private part.”
Apt description of Akin even though I have known him for about 4 months
Beautiful words . Akin is really as you’ve described him firm but kind.
Yes, may your pen never run dry but don’t venture into the main politics. I agree your writings may help shape our nation.
Joining politics, anyways, may God almighty see you through sir. You are a Don
Mr Theo-phillips did really well in describing you and your personalities, at least in my opinion.
“He tells you as it is, not in a way to dampen your spirit or walk all over your ego” . Where is the lie? Mr. Akin is a big deal and knowing him is an honour.