Cheers to 2025
Every New Year holds promise, as though it is any different from the turn of
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Chapter 6
Adio’s nose still hurt, but not as much as it did three days earlier. The pain was so excruciating that he hadn’t realized that he had wet his jeans until he got to the roadside pharmacy. The same one that the attendant with the humongous breast left him crossed-eyed during each visit. Only that this time she couldn’t hide her disgust at the stench that oozed from his body when she patched up his badly broken nose.
Adio could care less. If only she knew how it felt getting one’s nose chipped off with stiletto heels, only then can she appreciate that loss of continence was the least of his worries.
His nose still felt fragile as though gingerly perched on his face lest it fell off like a loose plaster on a wall.
The Fugees’ “Killing me softly” filtered into his cabin with so much authenticity that it seemed to soothe his frayed nerves. If there was anything he desired for the rest of the evening trip, it had to be peace.
“No drama!” Don chimed in.
“I tell you. I just need a normal rider who would make earning a living worth doing.” Adio could hear his own voice.
His next rider was already standing at the side of the road, just by a popular night club. A lady by all definition, clad in an incredibly tight and provocative short gown.
“How on earth is she going to sit with that thing she is wearing?” Don mused.
“Let’s find out.” Adio spoke out again as he parked the car right by the lady in black.
She opted for the front passenger seat.
“This is a rarity.” Passengers always preferred to sit at the backseat and ride like they owned the car. Adio imagined that when these middle-class lots book a ride, they took the opportunity to sit as though chauffeur driven in their daily commute.
“Fake people.”
“Fine girl.” Adio could hear Don whistle as the lady mouthed some pleasantries.
A smile graced his lips faintly, lest his wrinkling face caused discomfort to his healing nose.
But it was her cheap perfume that assaulted Adio’s nostrils first.
“Prostitute!” Don screamed.
“Is she not human?”
“Good evening. I dey greet you.” The lady politely sought his attention.
“I am so sorry. Good evening.” Adio feigned a smile.
The lady wasn’t bad looking. She had a decent set of dentition, her skin glowed like it had been polished in massage oil and her hair was exquisitely styled giving her neck a clean view.
Her pout lips were painted in the most exquisite shade of red inviting her admirers to ogle. Yet it was her breast that spoke to him.
“Honey, this is only the teaser, wait until you unveil the tip.” Her breast seemed to say.
Adio still hadn’t started the trip. His eyes had no reason to look into the rear mirror, but they rolled about like a pair of dice on a ludo board between his passengers protruding breast and gorgeous yellow thighs that shone like gazillion bright neon lights.
“Please let’s go sir!” The prostitute chided him for his indiscretion by waving her latest iPhone across his face. “Ashawo!” she muttered under her breath.
“Ashawo calling another man ashawo. Wonders shall never end!” Don came to Adio’s defense.
Adio pleaded for peace. He needed peace. But how could he find peace when every passenger on his trips come with different chest of trouble.
“Which trouble did this one come with, Adio?”
Adio turned on his mobile map application before driving into the well-moving traffic in the central business district of Ikeja that had become the norm. But it was the stiffness in his pants that presented the biggest challenge for him. He could not remember the last time he had sex. It surely was more than three months. That was quite some time for a man that still had all his sexual prowess intact.
“You are now on the shortest route to your destination.” the audio on his mobile application started.
His passenger was soon engrossed in short videos and skits on her mobile phone, oblivious of Adio’s unsettled stare. If the rays of his eyes could burn holes, his passenger would have transformed into a molten mass on the seat. The mass that would still continue to fuel his awkward erection.
“Baba, calm down!” Don whispered.
“Something is just not right” Adio admits that he finds his passenger incredibly attractive. Her cheap perfume notwithstanding, every inch of her skin oozed sex. Pure unadulterated sex and this was something Adio found unsettling. Money, they say, is security, spending it is insecurity. His passenger looked more sophisticated than the scent that ushered her into his car. Now his sexual fantasies were starting to go into overdrive mode.
Adio knew that when he was unrestrained, his sex drive was like that of a god with the teasing brains to match- he was the star of every sex fantasy he’d ever had and truly they were increasing in number in the last months.
His line of job, where the risks outweighed the opportunities, did not give much room for his fantasies. For once in a really long time, fear and bewilderment were not his companions tonight. His loins held sway.
“Omo, this shorty sexy die.”
“I swear, it’s those laps.” Adio’s heartbeat was louder in his ears than he imagined.
Not only was his erection messing with the balanced distribution of blood around his twenty or so arteries, but his three hundred and eighteen veins struggled to keep the blood flowing, so much that it felt like little ants were racing about under his skin. Blood was directed to the lower part of his body with such urgency that made him feel lightheaded.
In the silence of the ride, Adio could hear the turbulent blood flow that vibrated through his skin. The flood of endorphins in his body made his fantasies feel so much like a vacation from reality.
His sex drive and imagination were at it again. His rider was already half-naked, bent over his side of the car and reaching for his zipper in one swift move, her iPhone tossed into the back seat as she flashed a smile that left nothing to imagination. She looked into his face and said the kindest words he ever heard the whole week.
“Let me take you to heaven and back.”
Adio’s eyes started to blur as his skin warmed up to the feeling that overwhelmed his senses. He was the director in his own mental porn with an audience of one, yet the lead actor with unmatched sexual prowess -the one with the erection that Viagra producers envied. A wicked smile creased his face as he imagined his passenger’s soft fingers finding the elastic band of his boxer short.
His heartbeat no longer followed a rhythm. Nothing seemed real anymore. He was starting to imagine that he parked the car by the side of the road before ravishing his passenger with sloppy kisses that left both of them breathless.
For such a shy person his sex fantasies were anything but restrained.
“Baba, watch out!!!”
One moment the ground under the wheels of his Toyota corolla was nothing but smooth, yielding and typical, but then in another moment that felt so stretched, the seat belt of his car tugged into his chest so violently that he thought he was going to die.
He had rammed his car into the SUV right in front of the traffic light that had just blinked into a dull red ball.
“Are you mad? What the hell are you thinking?“ The prostitute raged.
Confused, Adio struggled between reality and his sexual fantasy with his eyes shutting and opening rapidly as thick steam that rose from his recently repaired radiator assaulted his sight.
“Fuck No!” He murmured, just as his sexual thoughts were immediately replaced with fear and confusion.
But it was the successive slaps from the prostitute that stunned him the most. He barely defended his cheeks from the brutal smacks. They stung like a sharp knife.
“Daughter of Jezebel.” was all he could offer in his defense as he watched her open the passenger door, arching her lower body to alight from the car.
Three quick slaps were all it took to snap him back to reality. Her palm was anything but soft. It left his cheeks scarred. After the assault, Adio’s eyes opened wide as his passenger hurried off grabbing her half-open purse before shutting the door with a loud thud. That was when he noticed that his passenger was in fact a MAN.
“Did you see that?” A shocked Don queried.
“Did you see what I just saw?”
“Oh my God!”
Time slowed leaving him looking aghast as though he had just seen a ghost. Still, he froze just as the aggressive knock on his side of window jolted him back to the scene. When he looked up, it was the knuckles of burly man in full military combat uniform that welcomed him. There was no telling the extent of trouble he was in.
“Come down from this car this minute.”
“Baba, you don die o!”
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17 thoughts on “Night Runs – chapter 6 -Fantasy”
Adio with his flu is still fantasizing!!! Men ooo lol!!! After this he won’t fantasize for a very long time!!! Lol
Fantasy is in the head. The flu is in the nose.
Fantasy in the mind while the body is in pains. Adios brain went on French leave as he lusted and landed him in trouble. An interesting story.
He seen too have a knack for getting into trouble
Adio sha!
Wahala dey.
Another interesting story,I really enjoyed reading it.
Thank you Inusa
Even with flu fantasy will still flow
Fantasy no send flu o
He always get himself into chests of trouble.
Trouble and night.
First, Adio fantasized over a fellow man, that’s heartbreaking enough,next he’s found himself unfortunately messing with a military man.
Adio is a dead man!.. lol
Nice work omo Akin
Adio got blood running through his veins too.
Trouble comes looking for Adio
Nice chapter
He is trouble himself!