Tipping Point- a short story

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Diana was going to die in three days, but she had no idea what was lurking ahead of her. Don’t they say that none of us will leave this world alive? Her time had come, this story tells of her last three days. Join me as each day unfolds.

Day 1

Albert lived on the 3rd floor of one of the Nwachukwu estate buildings, each so different from one another, yet so very content to reflect the beauty of each other. The estate is nestled in the densely populated Nnewi town, off the popular Otolo road, where schools, churches, hotels and restaurants competed for commercial value.



The balcony was by far her favorite part of his apartment, it had just one threadbare and weather-beaten couch abutted by an old defaced wooden coffee table, that held a beat-up tin of milk empty save for scores of unfinished stubs of cigarettes it held. The balcony was where they created the most intense romance into the soul as the world passed by on the city street down below.


Writing in progress

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