Cheers to 2025
Every New Year holds promise, as though it is any different from the turn of
Today is the first day of the month of October 2021. I suppose it is important to put the date in context.
I started out writing the Prisoner of Fate in February 2020, just before the several waves of the corona pandemic held sway. I planned to write the book and I wanted it to be my first published work. It was to be a testament to my doggedness and consistency in managing a blog for over a year at the time.
I wanted the book to hold readers sway, not only with a good dose of literary dexterity but with spellbinding storyline, plot, and twists. It wasn’t difficult to start the first couple of pages as I reveled in creating suspense out of nothing and I remember re-reading the first chapter repeatedly wondering if there was anything to add to make it better. It took only a little over three hours to complete!
I thought it was a good start and I continued weeks after all through March 2020 writing the next 3 chapters excitedly. I started to think I could finish the whole book within two months and move over to the next stage quickly – Publishing.
Sadly, I ran out of juice after the fifth chapter. I struggled to find a befitting twist that would compensate for all the twist and turns I had cunningly made the readers go through in the first few chapters. Nothing I cooked up was worthy of the effort and so I abandoned the project.
I just walked away. Left the manuscript uncompleted and buried myself in my day job.
Sometime in June 2020, I picked up the manuscript again with vigor determined to see it through. I re-read the whole script and then suddenly I figured a brilliant twist to add into the story. But as soon as I started to write the story, it took a different twist and a new book – The Waste of Sin was completed. By the end of July 2020, Waste of sin, which was a spin off chapter from my first manuscript was ready for editing and publishing.
I shared two chapters of the story (Waste of Sin)every week to my teeming readers on the blog and the comment page was buzzing off the hook every day that month. I loved the energy, the suspense filled thrill that each reader expressed, and it spurred me to complete the story. When the Waste of Sin gets published in 2022, I will share the interesting twist on how I got the story line and plot.
I did not pick up the Prisoner of Fate again until December 2020, almost 9 months after I abandoned the story. This time I was determined to complete the manuscript. November 2020 recorded the lowest engagement on my blog page since I started 12 months earlier and I was bereft of new ideas. I had no choice but to continue writing a new story with the hope that I could win back some interest in my personal branding project.
It took some time, but some readers found their way back to the blog. I had to re-post the story from the first chapter all over again to pique some genuine interest.
I completed the manuscript on the last day of January 2021. It was my birth month and I considered it a fitting present. At the time, I now had two completed manuscripts to my name. I was excited. Genuinely so!
I started to hunt for a seasoned editor to review the works and to get an expert opinion. I found two at separate times and they both gave glowing comments about the storyline for both stories. I was buoyed by their endorsement and was now determined more than ever to have one of the two scripts published this year.
I found a suitable publisher 7 months later, the time in-between had been spent largely in completing a third manuscript – Blood in the Water, to the delight of my teeming readers and followers on the blog.
The publisher showed keen interest and my self-publishing journey commenced. I must acknowledge the kind effort of Jolade (a feature writer on the blog) in engaging the publisher and seeing the project to print. A few weeks later I inaugurated a team of four superb young brains to help create a unique launch for the book and to bring what was seemingly a pipedream to life. The team had a social media and communication expert, a graphic designer, a web developer, and my team lead Miss Ann.
I am not sure how to express how I truly feel about the journey, but I am glad I didn’t leave the manuscript uncompleted and of course grateful to God for favors in unexpected places.
At this point we have reached a defining milestone and I am glad to introduce to you my first published book, a crime fiction, fast paced story, and thriller novella for your reading pleasure.
Throughout the month of October 2021, we will launch the book through a series of launch packages with cost bands from NGN25,000 to NGN1,000,000. Please visit our launch page to support the book launch.
Bouquet | Price |
Aster | NGN 25,000 |
Ivory | NGN 50,000 |
Tulip | NGN 100,000 |
Olive | NGN 250,000 |
Jade | NGN 500,000 |
Peony | NGN 1,000,000 |
You can launch on the website – we integrated Paystack payment solution for your pleasure.
The team has designed a beautifully branded book package to delight each launcher with complimentary gift items to accompany hard cover copies of the book. The package will ooze of sophistry with personalized details to create an amazing experience to every book launcher.
In this regard, I am not only excited about the book, but also in the packaging and the marketing efforts. At the start of November 2021 (which coincides with the second-year anniversary of the akinakingbogun.com branding project) the book will be available for pre-order and subsequent purchase on my website and social media platform.
I would like to urge everyone to look out for the promotion of the Prisoner of Fate as online events have been scheduled along with social media engagements promising to bring the book to life.
I am committed to follow the journey to wherever it leads, as far as it comes with any inkling of fame, success and reward.
Every New Year holds promise, as though it is any different from the turn of
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Enjoy this new short story seriesChapter 15TimeAdio stared from the window as his car sped
Enjoy this new short story seriesChapter 14Gay“Wait, Adio, what does the law say about same
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18 thoughts on “My first Published Book – Prisoner of Fate”
Congratulations d.o.s.t cheers to resounding success
Thank you so so much. I do not take any of your efforts for granted. Well done
I am so happy to see this. Well done my dear brother
Thanks alot Dupe! I truly mean it
Akins Babs! My man!
I am particularly pleased to read of the publish of your book. It is long overdue, really. This step will start a wave of publications as a befitting tribute to your indisputable writing abilities. By God’s grace, you will fulfill your writing potential in a massive way. Amen.
Congratulations, ore.
Amen brotherly. Strong declarations there and I do not take the words for granted.
Congratulations Duke of all talks..
I’m glad this is a reality
Thank you so much my earliest friend in life. I am glad
Nice one LM
Big Big congratulations to you brother. You exemplify the words “Persistent Patience” in completing your book. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. This takes me way back to those days in Mayflower where you wrote snippets of stories for your intimate friends to read. Fast forward to this day, shows your relentless passion to writing with impeccable finesse. This is just the beginning bro
Congratulations Akin, the sky is your foundation when you put your mind to something and I am pleased you are able to do this. Mor power to your elbow.
Congratulations, am proud of you
Congratulations Duke, I am so happy this story is now in hard copy.. I am so getting mine.
Good to hear the launching is for the whole of October 2021, as I want to be part of this success story. Keep the spirit of dogged Ness going as this helps break the barrier of not completing a journey. Well done Akin
Congratulations Akin. Keep on keeping on.
Akins baba, yes the talent, you’ve got it but am more moved by your doggedness and effort at being a success. Congrats brother,you’ve been incredible overall.
Akin, your write ups are indeed very intriguing.
I just love reading them. They evoke in me the spirit of adventure and CAN DO.
I salute your doggedness.
I thank God and admire your doggedness and perseverance in realising your goal to publish the ‘Prisoner of Fate’. Congratulations