Judged by its covers - by Kefun

 ” Judge a book by its cover. You’ll never know the story, there’s so much more than meets the eye” Celine Dion

By Kefun

A lot of us are guilty of this. How many times have we looked down on people based on the way they are dressed or how they interact with us?       

We do that most, if not all the time. How often have you looked down on the security staff at his duty post? After all, he’s beneath you!

How often do you treat your office janitors as scum, just because life dealt a huge one on them? 

Do you know that in your pride and foolishness you may miss ample opportunities to learn a thing or two from them and probably build that needed connection you so desire.

Sometimes, life comes bearing good gifts in an unattractive packaging.

That’s why many miss countless opportunities because they are attracted to the package and forget about the contents.

Well, we can’t be faulted on that as “packaging lo matter. ” (Packaging matters) .

I remember a story I read a while back about a man needing a favor of some sort.

As it turned out, the man needed to attend a job interview outside his state of residence and he wanted to know who was in-charge at the location. However, one of the cleaners overheard the conversation and in his excitement offered to help suggesting that he knew the “Oga at the top“.

Of course, Mr man did “sandalilee” and looked at him from head to toe.

“Do you even know the head of your Village that you feel you know this top shot?”

Nonetheless, Daddy cleaner gives Mr High and Mighty the contacts of  Oga at the top and goes on his way, after all, there’s cleaning to be done. 

 Mr High and Mighty got to location of the interview and proceeded to go to the house of a relative to pass the night.

Unfortunately for him and fortunately for his destiny, relatives had moved and left no forwarding address.

 By this time, it was late at night and probably there weren’t any decent hotels to lay his high head on.

So what did he do?

He went to the address Daddy cleaner gave to him and he asked to see the Oga at the top mentioning that that Daddy cleaner asked referred him.

He simply could not believe the hospitality he enjoyed despite that time of the night simply because he was referred by Daddy cleaner.

You see, Oga at the top and Daddy cleaner were classmates in secondary school.

In the end, he got what he had come for because a mere cleaner assisted him.

Sometimes we miss so many opportunities because we except something else-  more attractive and appealing.

Blessings don’t usually come in attractive packages. They come in packages and through people we least anticipate.

So I am hoping we stop placing low value on people who don’t measure up to our standards and do better?

Yours truly inclusive,

Until next time, Love and NEPA light.


If  there ever is an award for the laziest writer that ever walked on earth, it should be Kefun.  She only writes when the reflection of the moon is on the sea. 

If she’s not writing, she’s cooking food or baking mischief. 

She used to sign off her blog post as ” still crazy after all  these years “.

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