Your Talent; Your Personal Signature

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we have done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me. – Steve Jobs

Your Talent; Your Personal Signature

Newton Post 

It all began with a story.

Ade Clayton was born in the late 70’s and is the first child in a small family with his four siblings. Times were tough during Ade’s teenage years. Ade’s father was treating a strange illness that had defied both traditional and western medicine; Ade’s mum was a junior civil servant earning a little above the minimum wage.

The economic hardship was taking its toll and Ade had to stop his education in order to look for menial jobs to support his parents and siblings. The family had to move from a comfortable neighborhood to the slums. It was a tough period for Ade’s family.  As each day passed, his dream to become an engineer fizzled out into oblivion. Ade however had one important quality – perseverance. He hoped against the facts on ground that he could still fulfil his lifelong ambition.

As time went by, Ade’s perseverance led him to an engineering firm where he was employed as an office assistant. His aptitude for numbers and his eye for designs were considered exceptional; His dedication to duty and curiosity to learn more attracted raised eyebrows within the office.

Your talent is your signature in the world

We are born with different forms of talent. Your talent is the raw material deposited by the creator. Some talents are obvious and are in top demand. While other talents are subtle and will require the individual to solve a problem before it is appreciated in a society. 

All talents need to undergo a some of processing before it becomes useful to the society. The processing phase is driven by your:

  • belief system and choices
  • health status
  • educational opportunities (formal and informal)
  • money
  • time 

Education is not the same as talent. However, education is one of the catalysts that can transform talent into value. Your talent is an innate energy and can be converted into a productive or destructive use depending on your environment and the belief system you possess.

Your belief system is a strong indicator that propels the choices you make and a factor that drives the fulfilment of your vision. Your pattern of thoughts – what you think and how you perceive your environment – shapes your belief system. 

How did Ade’s story end?

One of the engineers decided to sponsor Ade’s tertiary education. Ade made good use of the opportunity – he completed his engineering degree and continued work at the engineering firm where continued to earn promotions till he was made a manager. He finally resigned his role to pursue his own dream starting with running his own engineering firm. He is happily married with two children.


What more?

The modern- day society is replete with opportunities, challenges, and threats. Innovation is at break neck speed and what existed in sci-fi movies are becoming our every day reality. The traditional educational path is no longer a guarantee for success. Ideas and activities considered as wishful thinking by the older generation are becoming the centres of attraction.

The world is now a mass theatre of hysteria, distractions, busyness, fake life and excessive urge for materialism.

Finding your purpose within the boundaries of your limitation is critical to having a fulfilled life. Living in today’s modern world can be complex, intimidating, challenging and yet filled with abundance of information and opportunities available to fulfil your purpose and convert your talent(s) into productive use for humanity.

Remain resolute in your drive; believe in your dreams and vision but remain flexible and practical in your day to day engagement with humanity.

Everything is possible – impossibility lies in the limitation of your thoughts. Find your purpose, connect with your talent and focus relentlessly in raising the equality of human lives within your immediate environment. The phrase “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” stays true today.

The founding fathers of the United states started with a vision for a country that is free from tyranny and oppression but provides freedom and opportunities for every individual within its geographical space. The outcome of the vision is evident for everyone to see today.


The fear of the unknown is as powerful as the satisfaction of a purpose driven life – therefore choose wisely.


Newton Post is a solution provider and a futurist helping the African youth connect back to the fundamentals of building a strong sense of purpose and becoming an agent of progress and economic development in a challenging continent.

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